I purchased the Pro Package for Golf version of the NetReturn which includes a 6×10 premium artificial turf plus the NetReturn with side barriers.
The NetReturn is stupid easy to assemble. I don't have any mechanical ability whatsoever and was able to complete the assembly in less than 10 minutes. The tubular aluminum frame has color coded ends that you simply snap together. A super high quality nylon sleeve attached to the net slides over the tubular aluminum frame with ease. It is a really smart design.
The net cleverly returns the ball to you very gently regardless of the speed of the ball going into the net. A 160 mph drive comes back to you at the same rate as a gentle little chip or pitch. The net also gives you some feedback regarding the direction of your shots, as straight shots are returned straight back and shots blocked or pulled offline are returned at an angle. All in all, I am extremely pleased with the net and my daughter loves it. We are both looking forward to sharpening our ballstriking skills and keeping our golf muscles in shape over the winter months. There are definitely cheaper options, but this product is so perfectly designed that I think it is well worth the price.
Dewey Bookholdt
Columbus, NJ